Jumat, 29 April 2011

Tugas Bahasa Inggris (softskill)

Tugas Noun Clause

1.     Question       : How pat is filling today?
Answer          : I wonder how pat is feeling today.
2.     Question       : Why did they leave the country is the secret ?
Answer          : I don’t know why they left the country is a secret.
3.     Question       : Is there life on other planets ?
Answer          : I wonder whether theere is life on other planets
4.     Question       : Did you leave your dictionary at the library ?
Answer          : I wonder whether you left your dictionary at library.
5.     Question       : Does it belong to you?
Answer          : I don’t know whether or not it belongs to you

Diposting oleh         : Muhammad Vista Nazar
NPM                           : 14210444
Kelas                          : 1EA11

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